Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sept 20

Waking up, I confuse time conversion with money conversion, but I do sort it all out, spackle on a face, and go to the show. Somehow, almost everyone I know is congregated in this narrow alley in the center of Oxford England, why? I can not believe all the people I see here, all with bright eyes, big smiles, vigorously waving arms, oh my goodness, this is fun. Catching up, all of us chatting away, with our various funny accents, explaining to the nice people around us the odd way we all have become friends and acquaintances. Concerts. These Concerts. And many of us feel the urgency to get to as many as possible before it is too late.

How do we all explain to friends and family at home that although we might be traveling alone, or as a single, we are never alone, we have friends at every venue, and those odd ones up on the stage, pointing at us, waving, nudging the one next to him/her, and both pointing and waving. Lots of waving.

Oxford. Enthusiastic seated but bouncy audience for the first five songs, then slowly the sleeping giant awoke. Like we had springs under our bottoms, the assorted collection of Brits, Canadiens, Dutch, Scottish, Americans, basically the ones who have popped up at a concert almost anywhere, well, we all gave each other the eye, and we popped up. Right at the key change in IKYOTS, and then the Band made a noted change from playing perfectly, to playing with heart. A subtle difference to the casual, and I mean that in a nice way, fan, but like a shot of adrenaline to those of us in the know. Those of us in the front few rows. Those of us who have gone to not quite too many shows. Those of us who might have been there yesterday, might be there tomorrow, and will be there again, and again,.

And the rest of the audience followed. First, those in the front who wanted to get up, did, then those behind us did, then everyone was up, the roar and the applause was louder than 1600 or so people could safely produce, one would think, and it got better. And I thought I was tired.

Fabulous Concert. Welcome to the Tour, Marijane. Thank you I said.

And after the last song, the hugging continued. So many people, so glad to see each other.

But in the vernacular, I was knackered. We slowly limped to a Thai shop, I had cashew chicken, and made the hike up the ten thousand steps to my room, passed out, and so it all starts again.


  1. Nice to say hello maybe we can say hello proper one day in Cobham or Hamsterjam drink and chat.
    I just love to sing along to Question so so much and get a great buzz just being in the same building as them.
