Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 25, 2011

Who would believe that I would still want to be out traveling after all this time? ME. I love every aspect of it all. The packing, the transportation arrangements, all of it.

I awoke shortly after midnight to begin my day. Finished packing, the last minute shoving of items thru the zipper into the suitcase, the hopping around hoping not to forget anything. (So far, one hairbrush). I officially leave the real world and enter the world of Touring. I experienced my first full body scan. Disappointing really. No one ran screaming from security, nor did I get any propositions. I have spoken with folks who cite this scan as a reason to no longer fly, Bahh, nothing to it. My first connecting flight was uneventful, as they all should be. I love my Iphone, watched a movie all by myself. Spent some time in Atlanta, got a piece of chicken, and got my second flight. I had the same seat, and this flight was full of some lively ones, loud talk and laughter. And I line to the restroom, which my seat was conveniently near. Some people should rethink their food choices if they are to be with the public in tight quarters, but that paled in comparison with the lady next to me on the hotel shuttle that had the odor of knockwurst about her. We drove around town, got a quick tour from the driver, dropped off a few at their hotels, and then came to mine. I got some looks regarding my lodging choice, but heck, we all have to stay somewhere.

Hot, really hot, with a hot humid wind blowing, really blowing, and the sun beating down. Coming from a cold climate that is still struggling with the remains of winter, still with snow around, I found this to be a shocking pleasure. No need for a coat, heck, no need for most clothing items, but as it was told to us by our bus driver, public nudity is illegal here. So I got dressed again. That body scan liberated me.

Enjoyed my first afternoon and evening, had a drink, ate some interesting foods, had a cookie. Fell asleep instantly, and awoke wide awake, ready to see what this day, week, Tour brings to me. I am ready.


  1. going to enjoy this blog! travel safe!

  2. Hi Marijane - I look so much forward to follow your blog. Blogs is new to me so I am excited to see how it goes.
    Have a fantastick tour - all of us who is not with all of you - we will be there in our spirit :0)
    Sanne (and Kim, Denmark)

  3. Nice post. Maybe one day I'll also figure out how to blog. Have a nice time there.
