Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Drums of Thackerville and Mongolian food

April 30, 2011


Today is the day I have lived for during the past several months. Today is the day I return to Thackerville OK. If you had never been to Thackerville, you have no understanding of what it is like to return there, on purpose.

I enjoyed the ride, the air conditioning decided to work again, and I also got to eat at Waffle House again. I love that place. I took a few breaths in between barely chewing and swallowing. Some people need to rethink their travel arrangements, and come with me, we have more fun.

I did more mooing at the cattle, saw a zebra, more armadillos, and funny road signs. I hummed the theme from Dallas as we took the interstate thru town, ending up in a wide spot in the road somewhere between Dallas and Thackerville.

I also was looking forward to sitting in the sun, and did that, too. Glad I did as it turns out. I primped and painted and managed to squeeze my swollen and blistered feet into my boots, and off we drove to Thackerville, OK. The directions to the casino? Look to the side of the road on the state line.

I ate Mongolian this night. Really, fresh cooked Mongolian food in Oklahoma. Ran into some of the most truly delightful people here, but still we all questioned why we were there.

Well, we were hustled into a large cavernous room, with the familiar set up. This time the aircraft carrier sized empty space in front of the stage was filled with seats. I sat down. I did glance to my front row seat a bit over, and it was occupied by another body. I never wish to make trouble, unless someone needs a good smack, so I sat in a different seat, for the first half, and then a different one for the second half. I hope the person who sat in my front row seat liked it, I sat in a better one, thank you very much.

I thought I heard more plopitylopitly drumming but I was assured by a good authority that the drumming in Thackerville was exactly beat for beat the same as in Houston. But my ears heard different, perhaps it was the reverb, the sound guys did their best, but this giant cavern is not the best shape for sound, and if I stood at a certain angle, my left ear heard the vocal mix from the speakers, and my right ear heard the drums, and they were great drums, I liked the drums, I was once briefly a percussionist, and I love drums. Did I mention how much I loved the drums of Thackerville?

Vocally a good performance, great guitar and keyboards, too. I was compelled to the front of the stage for my encore, and did not need to slug anyone.

I do feel bad that my traveling musician friends have to see me every night, so I am taking the next night off, and hiding in my motel room, off the beaten path, near another strip mall.

Did I mention I like Drums?

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