Monday, May 2, 2011

Houston we have no problems

April 29, 2011

Friday, they tell me. I only know I need to get to Houston. Two hotel rooms were packed into five suitcases, and then five suitcases and four lovely ladies, well three ladies and me, were packed into a motor vehicle. Not the largest one available at the time, but the only one that we were allowed to use. Some people need to rethink the meaning of the word entourage. Like me.

Two GPS sat nav’s going, with the American female and the British male voices giving alternating commands. They did get into it and bicker a few times. She said, “slight left one half mile on left”, and he said, “ahead, turn left in 400 yards” We took bets to see which one would respond first. He got us there better than her.

We get to another hotel, and sneak in. Who can afford pesky hotel bills? We need to give our money to better causes. Half price beer and a quesadilla for me, to go with the breakfast taco I had had earlier. Cant eat like this in Boston. And I shouldn’t eat like this anywhere.

A shower with smelly hotel soap, that did not do much to cover the odor of goat in the hallways. Makes you wonder how the smell of goat got into the hotel. But it was goat, I assure you. And not me. I go for a walk along a waterway, and find myself in a festival atmosphere.

I am greeted by polite wonderful people, and I avoid the weird ones that are talking to themselves. I think I am fairly clever, going from place to place, with the help of friends and companions, but one wonders how these odd ducks do it. Maybe I am not so clever after all. Nahh, I am clever.

I get a seat in the last row. Or at least the 6th row of the orchestra pit. There is a fence behind me, and a few thousand people behind the fence, and I thank them for buying the concert tickets, to sponsor the Band and me to come here, but once the lights go down, the heck with them, it is all about me. I like the music, I like the lights, I like the winks and waves from the stage, even the ones directed at me, should someone want to wink at me. HINT.

The lights and sound were amazing. Great job crew. This was the first outdoor concert I have been to since last summer, at Danbury CT, and I was just glad to be wearing sandals. And other items of clothing. And especially glad to be not getting rained upon. Tequila afterwards, to round out my day of eating Mexican, and a good nights sleep, with only the slightest of snoring.

No one noticed any of the mis sung lyrics. And there was less vocal issues, it was a lovely night. And no one tried to tackle me. I even did a glow stick, thank you girls for doing that, it did look good from my seat.

To answer that question asked of me by a nice couple who were awed by someone’s having been to 80 concerts, I really have lost count, but 300 + is about right.

How many times can one person hear NIWS sung live? As many as she can and as many as he will do, that is how many.

No, I havent ever gotten tired of it. No it is not the same every night. No I M NOT ANYONES GIRLFRIEND. Why on earth would someone ask me that? Do I look like someone’s girlfriend?

Houston, we had no problems.

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