Sunday, September 18, 2011

Friday Sept 16

Woke up in Nova Scotia for the last time. Finally found a man in a kilt willing to spend time with me, at least for a picture. After a committee meeting, an update to the Boss, we do our duty and then take off for New Brunswick. We Stop and pay our respects to the Dead of the Titanic. A Simple and fitting memorial to those who made it only to Halifax as their final destination; brought tears to my eyes.

Bridges, highways, trucks, funny looking cars, Signs for Moose crossing, but never any moose. Lots of trees.

We pull into Moncton, a nice place, not as picturesque as Halifax, but we stumble upon a nice pub and I had a pasty and mash. YUM, and non caloric. Soap and water to wash off the road, as I had become insanely jealous of the car window each time I cleaned it. I did have to yell at some of the bugs as they hit hard.

Did find out along the way that I needed to brush up on pachyderm identification. We passed by what was clearly and elephant, but I was corrected and told it was a mastodon, a statue on mastodon hill, mind you. Looked like and elephant to me. Must stay inside one day and study.

But not today.

Ablutions done. We drive thru town to the colliseum. The Marquee was dark, and it looked like the parking lot was empty. Oh no, were we in the right place? I was assured that we were not led astray and that the appropriate people would arrive at the appropriate time, and sing the appropriate songs. Phewww, started to doubt myself. We meet up with the other person there, and went to our seats. All in a little cluster of familiarity, a small cluster, what is smaller than a cluster? A blister? S pimple ? Well, we were there and that was important, and shocking to some.

Appreciations all around, we appreciated them, they appreciated us. Winks and waves to those who were known, and to the unknown.

A big thanks to those unknown who purchase the tickest and put bums in seats allowing those of us to travel from place to placeto have a destination. But why do I get the Big Giant Head in front of me each time? We had talkers around us, and I learn a lot.

In Moncton tonight I learned that the Keyboard player is John Lennons son, cool.

In Halifax I heard a lady describe naughty things she was reaching on her own while listening to YWD. Ewwww

In Manchester I learned that G is 79 and that JH is 74, oh no

I also had found out that they had been on the road since June, and that this is the last North American appearance. Good to know.

Sound was great for a hockey rink and hollow stage, no reverb or extra vibrations

Vocals were spot on, a few cracks that were so minor I hesitate to mention them, as no one noticed.

Bass could have been louder keyboards could have been louder, as I am losing my hearing, and need all things done to my specifications.

Stand out songs

Driftwood, never better and someone was quite pleased with himself, I saw enthusiasm.

IJAS bouncy

NIWS meaningful, but I did not need a cigarette afterwards

H&H extra twiddly guitar bits.

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