Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Saturday Sept 17

I am in New Brunswick. The sun has not yet arisen, and we are out the door, cramming the back of the vehicle and heading out, going further north on the north American continent than we have ever been before. Cool. It is not a warm day. We Say good bye to the last of Moncton and drive away. And we Drive and Drive and drive and drive and drive and drive. We eventually make it back towards the USA border crossing, and I ask to be let out so that I can go home, but I am forced to continue. Something is driving me onwards, I can not explain. Trees and trees and trees. A whole lot of nothing but nature out the windows. Following the river, and up and down the hills and around the Mountains we are given glimpses of what the original inhabitants and the first settlers might have seen. Lovely vistas, blue sky, and green with hints of the color changes, not approaching peak season yet, and we have the road to ourselves.

After and eternity and a time change back one hour we arrive in Quebec City, civilization on the river, clinging to the sides of the hills. I could be anywhere, this city is so familiar yet foreign, it is not like a North American city at all, glimpses of Europe every where. They clean the streets every day, they let people cross the streets, and the buildings huddle together, leaning this way and that, a cobbled collection of stone and wood and tile.

We check into our digs, a comfy roomy room, and trash it leaving little walking space. Hand laundry is done and hanging up, cosmetics strewn around the lavatory, and a reorientation to room elevator and lobby. Funny the faces you see when traveling. Especially your own.

Another committee meeting and security issues are clarified, and we are requested to cause trouble, at least we dream. Found a lovely pub and sated ourselves, and walked around getting the last of the travel cramps out of our legs, and enjoy the night sky. I Saw Jupiter. Amazing watching the sturdy draft horses and the coaches all try to get around the same narrow passage, and no one honked, or used loud profanity. Wow.

A great night sleep, everyone should try this, sleeping. So this is what others do while on holiday, I am usually out in search of itinerant musicians to torture, and it is unusual to have a night off, I feel lost, but fatique wins out.

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