Friday December 14, 2012
Time Travellers
Woke up in the usual position, on my side, ear plugs jammed in, yet the ringing in my ears remains. Still feeling a bit off from the show last night. Events are winding down, the end is in site, and I am reluctant to start the day. I need a promise from a reliable source that my Friday will be better. first, I had to find out it was Friday. Again, dining without the silver platter, but a fancy meal none the less, juice and coffee, a treat.
Showering, scraping off the layers of my naturally flawless complexion, and rinsing away the accumulated whatever from the past 24 hours is a chore, a difficult chore, that I had to be forced into doing, with the promise of new and better things awaiting down the road. With the precison timing of a European watch, we untrash the hotel room, packing enormous amounts of everything into our bags, put on our rock star strut just in case anyone is watching, and we check out of our lovely home away from home. Did you know that hotels require everyone to be out by a certain time? We were not the only ones leaving, and we dodge around the other vehicles and take off for parts unknown, where we hope we are not followed by itinerant musicians.
Driving along, we try to find a radio station that plays old people music, and we find religious, and spanish speaking stations, with the odd luck of getting old people music, a lot of Bon Jovi. We know older people, but hwe was a good substitiute. Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive. Cactuseseses, waving at me, I think they remember me from the last time I was through here. What are the chances of running into anyone we know, Right? We wave and continue onwards, and go, and go and go. We stop for fuel, at the AZ/ CA state line, and they had black commodes, very unusal, and a bit frightening.
We go on, continuing until the little man hidden in the GPS tells us we have reached our destination, we have no choice, we must stop here. There was a sign. Those Darn fellows and their friends are here as well. Might as well go in, we decide, and wouldn't you know, the first people we run into, are the folks we know, curiously smiling and waving at us, winking, like we shared some secret, or journeyed together. Suitcase in hand, sunglasses on indoors, and a rock star strut, rivaling the strut of an actual rock star, if I was walking in with a rock star.
Our room is nice, clean, and so far we have not had to ask"What is that smell?" We place our bags in the approximate same place as in the last hotel, take our places in the beds in the same arrangement, and get the room Rock and Roll trashed in less than 5 minutes. There is something wrong with us, it should have taken two minutes or less. Great bathroom, with a commode, white, on the right, in its own cubicle, again, as in Mesa, with poor lighting. I need to know, what am I doing wrong that I need bright light in the commode? A double sink, plenty of room for us to place our natural complexion appliances, a tub, so deep, I was afraid if I had gotten into it, I would have needed help getting out, and also there was a glass shower stall. Like being on display.
After giving the room its makeover, we take off to the casino. Visiting with friends, and catching up on things. It has been a few years since I have been this far West, and I was so glad to see some of the lovely people I had met over the years. Losing contact with so many, as we all go our separate ways, it is nice to see that the music still calls us. and we follow, or in my case, get there first, or at the same time, or shortly afterwards. And rarely, not getting there at all.
We also gained another hour in time, someplace around the black commode. Amazing, pee into blackness, and gain an hour.
We look at each other in shock, we are at the venue, and at the hotel, both at the same time, this hadn't happened at all this recent Tour, and we are at a loss to do, our precision timing and exact schedule is gone, we wander around each alone. I chose not to gamble, as my life is a gamble every day.
did I mention I was in California? I was across the entire continent just a short time ago, and now we are here, doing the same thing, in a different location, in different clothing, with some different people, and I hope a different concert tonight.
Spackle and Spandex to get ready. There is a certain snap to clothing when it has the right amount of spandex woven into it, and there is another Thwap sound when things do not line up correctly, and there were a few Twaps heard, with giggles, and cuss words as we primped ourselves up.
The Concert
Someone handed me a concert ticket I really had no idea where I would be sitting that night, and I was pleased with the location. Front row, two seats to the right of a certain bass player, so no annoying microphones blocking my view. I could also see one young drummer, a locally famous keyboard player, and someone standing in the middle. The older drummer, and the females were distant, but that was alright, as i had them as my primary focus the night before. I am an equal opportunity audience member, I love whomever I am in front of, and I love whomever is singing, and I love whomever is playing with their instrument.
The stage was higher, at my chin level, but I remedied that by wearing 6 inch heels, so that the stage was above my spandexed and supported bosom. Padded moveable seats, not bolted into the floor, and a concret smooth floor. I never wear heels, so this was an adventure into the land of the unknown. With my mangled right knee, my recent broken right great toe, and my left hip bursitis, achieving the correct rock star strut without breaking an ankle, or hitting my head on the stage was a feat to behold. So many present that didnt know who I was, or what I wastrying to do, may not have been as impressed as those who knew me, and my pimited mobility. Some might say that I was being impractical, but I actually was having fun, in between being terrified. And it was especially nice to be at eye level or taller than so many others. Looking up at people who are always looking down at you gets tiring.
Back to the Concert
A different Band show up. There were several familiar faces inthe audience from the night before, but mostly a fresh audience, many of whom had not heard the Band either this Tour, or This year, so all got a treat.
Gemini Dream, no mystery verse, sung perfectly.
We were in a Casino, 90 minute set, straight thru, with the usual deletions,
No Nervous Gypsies Saying it with Love, ther was no other side of life to investigate, and no one sat comfotably, nor did they drift wood.
The Lost Verse of IKYOTS remained lost.
The Best all Tour, with a heat and a passion, that left me verklempt. Teary. A certain bass player appeared as he had the Vapors afterwards, also. usually he instills the Vapors, this time I think I gave them to him.
The fellow in the middle looked to his left, towards me a lot all night, and smiled, maybe had a crick in his neck? or Gas? Or was Glad to see me, to have me there? I know what I think, and I hope you do too.
RMSS, why people question that as the end? Such a fun happy way to leave the concert. Everyone was talking about the show on the way out, second best show I saw this Tour.
It had heat, fire, that kapow factor, and left me a bit emotional, a bit teary, in a good way. This is why I go to multiple shows, I want that great concert experience, and I found it tonight.
A very scary walk on my stilts to get to our meeting place, where a committee meeting was taking place. What to eat, where to sit, who sits were. I had a margarita and sat down. I waved good night to all who walked by, the ones I have been traveling with, and the ones I met along the way, and we go off to our room, and sleep.
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